This has been a really inspiring week for me. Everything from my talks with John Lowe, to activity at CoPress, to a phone conversation with Daniel about the future, to progress at The Daily Orange to this fantastic piece at Nieman Labs. With that in mind, I'm going to limit myself to links that inspire this week. (Also, it's been two weeks since I did one of these posts due to vacation. There's a lot of links.)
These are my links for March 8th through March 20th:
Joel Kramer: Lessons I've learned after a year running MinnPost Nieman Journalism Lab: Great look at how the MinnPost works by its founder, Joel Kramer.
- Short form content monetizes better than long form
- Uncut video is much less expensive than docu and popular
- Have funding for a few years before you start
- Donations will be just as important as advertising
Social Weather Mapping | smalltalk: Great proof of concept: datamine twitter to show the current weather conditions across the country. -
Nick Bilton Keynote O’Reilly Tools of Change 2009 | Metaprinter -
There are stages people go through when they’re introduced to a subject:
- Rejection as irrelevant (too much change)
- Knowing nothing, and admitting it
- Know just enough to hurt themselves
- Knowing that you know nothing
- Knowledgeable, enough to get by
- Respected authority
- Master, even the experts defer to you
via Bre Pettis | I Make Things - Bre Pettis Blog - The Cult of Done Manifesto -
via CrunchBaseThere's always time to launch your dream - (37signals): A great call for, “don’t sacrifice your education for the sake of school.” -
Printed Matters Five ideas for display ads: 5 crazy and good ideas for how to change online ads. -
InDenverTimes Intro
RevenueTwoPointZero Improving online display advertising: A summary of how online ads are broken and two suggestions on how to fix it: • Limit to one ad a page. Make it a dominant element again • Make homepages on news websites more like the rest of the web… -
via Newseum | Today’s Front Pages | Seattle Post-Intelligencer -
Anyone who runs a newspaper should be watching this experiment under a microscope. Someone should even go so far as to obtain copies of the last month of Seattle PI in print and call up every display advertiser and ask them what they plan to do.
Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable Clay Shirky: Cheers to Clay Shirky, for so eloquently stating what we’ve all be thinking. -
Telecommuting can replace newsrooms | The Journalism Iconoclast: A strong argument to replace the newsroom with telecommuters. It saves money and increases efficiency.
#FollowFriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend: Look at how twitter trends start. Good research implications.
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU