These are my tumblr links for January 12th from 01:57 to 18:58:
"Synergy" means no need to "save" or "sync" on Palm's pre: Hotsync was hot technology in 2001, but with the Pre, Palm has totally removed the concept of user sync and assumed that you’re tied to The Cloud, not a computer at home. It’s Palm PR to say that the…The Renegades at the New York 'Times' - The All New Issue -- New York Magazine: Want to know why the New York Times is going to continue to be the standard for journalism in this country? Read this.
“One of the New York Times’ roles in this new world is authority—and that’s probably the rarest commodity on the web,”
Image by Getty ImagesviaDaylife -
Print is just a device. The New York Times is not just a newspaper, it’s a news organization.
—The Renegades at the New York ‘Times’ - The All New Issue — New York Magazine
“Nick Bilton, who designs what his website describes, with ominous confidence, as 'technologies that will become commonplace in a 24-to-48-month time frame.'”- The Renegades at the New York ‘Times’ - The All New Issue — New York Magazine
NBC's Mara Schiavocampo: Inside her digital toolkit - NBC's Mara Schiavocampo: Inside her digital toolkit:
Schiavocampo is a digital journalist with NBC News.
Nieman Journalism Lab -
Rich Beckman discusses how to reshape journalism education | The Linchpen: A fantastic summary on what’s wrong with j-schools today and the tremendous challenge they face.