These are my links for January 23rd through January 30th:
A Review of Two Things: One For the Mac and One For iPhone - Shawn Blanc -
Cadbury Dairy Milk - Eyebrow dance -
Cadbury Dairy Milk - Eyebrow dance: Fallon, London Executive Creative Director: Richard Flintham Creative Directors: Chris Bovill &…
Alba to O'Reilly: No, You're a Pinhead! - Gossip news | Newser: Jessica Alba uses a blog and wikipedia to fire back at Bill O’Rielly — props to her for using the Internet to criticize a very non-internet friendly guy
How Michael Wolff Puts the News in 'Newser': “…journalism is important here, but it certainly isn’t the whole game. It’s a relatively segmented part of what you do when you create a news product.” That combined with the 1.5 million pageviews… -
“DM: Do you think that’s going to be an aspect that may increase readership, with people expecting that they won’t be bombarded with display ads? MW: No, no, we’d love to bombard them. Just looking at the economics, it becomes incredibly front-loaded to build an ad staff. And that’s kind of the advantage of using Google in this regard. You’re going to lose an upside of [revenue], but at this point our traffic is growing very quickly – I think we’re at close to 1.5 million this [November 2008] – but nevertheless, if I bring on an ad-sales staff on that, and I’m not going to recoup for a long time.”-
How Michael Wolff Puts the News in ‘Newser’ -
The Canary At The New York Times Grows Larger As Internet Advertising Keeps Dropping: If the New York Times has seen stagnant online ad revenue for the last year, things are not looking good for the industry as a whole.
MediaShift . College Newspapers Finally Hit by Economic Downturn | PBS: Bryan Murley uses some excellent reporting to discuss the current state of revenue streams in college media. The sector is down, but looking to innovate. -
Paul Harris 50 cent rap ft. Sexy Dex and Rudy Harris 50 cent rap featuring Dexter “sexy dex” Harris jr. and Rudy Sohl
10 Reasons why online news sites suck :: 10,000 Words :: multimedia, online journalism news and reviews: Interesting that half the complaints relate to online advertising far more than they relate to the practice of news online. -
The Peoria plan for saving local dailies: Interesting tax option. An L3C can operate as a for-profit, but can receive donations like a 501c3 can. -
iMovie ‘09 Image Stabilization test on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
“BLAGOJEVICH: Well, let me answer that two ways. First, I can’t comment specifically on that, ‘cause I haven’t heard those tapes. But assuming that’s what it is, if you hear all the tapes, and you hear the whole thing in its context, if I feared that that was something sinister or onerous would I want all those tapes heard?”-
Transcript: Rod Blagojevich, one on one - Rachel Maddow show- -
MediaShift . The Big Video Debate: Rough or Slick? | PBS: Argues that Flip quality video is just fine for the web. IMHO: he’s right, the convenience of the flip just lends it to journalism far more than larger equipment. -
The three primary roles your local website should play | -
“Flight 1549, and the Mumbai and Gaza incidents demonstrated how powerful Twitter and citizen reporting has become for breaking news. Why Facebook and other social networks are horribly used by mass media, and the right ways to leverage Facebook and other networks to reach your audience.”- Introducing a Social Media System for News Organizations (Free!) at Media Transparent
GateHouse exec Kirk Davis: "What do you think, we're stupid? Of course we like linking" Nieman Journalism Lab Pushing to the Future of Journalism: “In the spare time I had to follow public sentiment about this case,” Davis said, “you’d see comments like, ‘GateHouse is against linking.’ You’ve got to be kidding me. What do you think, we’re…
Objectified trailer - Objectified trailer:
Objectified trailerA peek at the upcoming design documentary “Objectified”, by Gary Hustwit, the director of “Helvetica”. The trailer features the voices of…
xkcd - A Webcomic - I’m An Idiot -
The lie of print advertising (followed by good news) BuzzMachine: “Media organizations can and must devise new services for marketers. Perhaps, for example, a local media company should act as an agency for every local business, helping them get good search-engine…
Traditional Media: Let's Take it Offline: Turning the page on Print Ads: Google will no longer sell print ads. Disappointing, but a good example of ‘do what you do best, link to the rest’ in action. -
Let's talk about the economics of great journalism | Rational rants | “Forget about advertising and the like as a means of support.” Goes on to argue for a business model similar to -
How Twitter makes you a better writer (Scripting News): “Twitter forces you to write concisely, and that makes for crisper, more direct, easier to read copy.”
- » Blog Archive » Social Media “Experts” are the Cancer of Twitter (and Must Be Stopped)