Death Valley Photos

Photos up and and shoot analyzed.

heads up: this is a pretty old post, it may be outdated.

I've got my Death Valley trip photos up on flickr. Not too bad on the time too! Took me 6 days to work up the courage to sort through the nearly 1000 photos I shot, cull, edit, caption, and keyword them all.

No GPS on this trip, so Geotagging is out. Bummer.

Interesting notes about the shoot:

  • 909 images shot; 63 selects
  • Lenses used: 17-35mm f/2.8; 105 mm f2.8 micro
  • Shot on the Nikon D70 (I know, I really need to upgrade my personal gear)
  • Only shot at two ISOs: 200 & 400
  • Most common aperture: f/8, followed by f/2.8
  • Shutter speeds span from 1/10 to 1/1600

The headline photo is probably my favorite. Very closely followed by:

Death Valley